Sunday, January 18, 2009

Pretties & Gadgets

Ok, so here are some of the things I want and just to make Kenny smile if he read this want not need.
One is a newly released piece of Brighton jewelry that I think it really has a special message. It is a charm bracelet that all of the charms relate to peace. Kenny and all other military men and women would not have to leave the way they do if this world was a peaceful place. We would not be locking our doors to feel safe. Peace has so many connotations - we hear it every week at Church when the priest says let us go in PEACE to love and serve the Lord. I am at peace in knowing that Maw Lucy is up in heaven. I don't need a bracelet to know what peace means to me, just would be a cute reminder to have. $55.00 to have this - priceless to know what peace means to you!
My next pretty is the most expensive of them all. Maybe I want one because I see them all the time. Maybe I just that one classic iconic bag. I don't know but it is on my wish list for my Anniversary and Birthday. I even told Kenny that he will be missing both so don't make me buy it myself. Tenille my shopping superhero we talk about them all the time. A new Louis Vuitton store opened in Charleston, so she has the temptation too. This is the one I finally decided on. It is the classic Monogram Canvas Montorgueil GM
$865.00.I have come to realize that I am a gadget girl too. This next one is just what I think would help me lose that 10 pounds that are on me like white on rice. On me like flies on poo-poo. It seems more pointless than a screen door on a submarine ; ) (my workouts with out this thing that is ) Any more comparisons just ask!! It does everything for you when it comes to calories, counting steps and just keeping track of all helpful healthy mojo. I just wanna actually know someone that has used it. You can also get the digital display that you wear as a watch and see what you are burning throughout the day.. Love it . In case anyone wants the cost they are like 250-299. That's with the display too and 24 hour fitness sells them for cheaper than the web.
The last thing is just a shirt that has my all time favorite symbol. The Fleur de lis reminds me of everything that is good from back home. It stands for the holy trinity because of the three petals, which is what my Grandmother was all about. She was all that is good and holy to me. Traditionally, it has been used to represent French Royalty, and it is said to signify perfection, light, and life. This one has to be the most well priced at only 27 bucks. But who needs a long sleeves here in Hawaii.

Well, another day has come and gone. I'm sure my pretties will change just like the Navy and it's decisions.. Ashley

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thats a great bracelet and an awesome ad for it! The shirt...where's it from? I didn't realize thats what the fleur de lies stands for...learn something new (and awesome) every day! Jury is still out on the bodybugg ... if you get it, report back!