Sunday, December 21, 2008

Polka Dots and Yogurt Muffins

It is a beautiful day. The sun is shinning, Cort is laughing and Kenny is watching football. Little Miss Kelsey is still sound asleep. I have a happy healthy family and it is almost Christmas again. I have made some great friends one that i adore and am thanking the heavens she lives close by me. Well on to the polka dots, I went yesterday to get e pedicure and decided to chose the color true gift red and then to add the dots because I want to marry dots. I love them and just in time for the Holiday spirit.
Yogurt muffins was this recipe that i took from the vanilla yogurt we always have in the house. I guess when i take off the top I just throw it away. I looked this time and saw this recipe and it was for muffins with mostly yogurt, brown sugar, raisins and cinnamon. I made them and they were really good and the kidos ate them too.
I can't believe this year is almost to an end.
Love ya'll

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Rain rain go away come back never

As you all know Kenny is out to see for a little while. Of course the day he leaves all the skies opened up and chaos followed. Let's just say we had a rain storm with Kona winds that lasted for more than 24 hours. This is me and Cort in the back yard looking for some drain that we never found. yes, the shed flew over and put garden tools all over. It started with the electricity going out at about 10pm and the kids sleeping with us on the floor in our bedroom the night before he leaves. So we all were awake most of the night listening to the winds and the blinds hitting the window from the wind. Awake at 3 am to bring Kenny down to the boat. I get back home at 4ish home to try and get a little more sleep before 6 am to get up to get the kids ready for school. Still no electricity, so I figure we will sleep a little longer because we can't get ready in the dark. At 6:45 we get up and I had a gut feeling to just go look and check on things outside. I get the kids up and go look around in the crazy rain. The first things I see when I walk out the front door is the kids basketball set laying on top of Kenny's car and the hoop in nicely put in his windshield. I freak out and start moving cars because it is cracked and I am not sure if it is raining in his car. I thought that would be all the excitement for the day but I was wrong. Kelsey see's me frantic and helps and packs her and Cort's lunch for school. Cort helps by bringing me towels because I am soaked. We leave to only drive through the flooded streets to get to school to be told that school is closed. I did call just 10 minutes before to make sure it was still open and was told oh yes we are open.
I come back home to notice a puddle of water on the floor in the kids play room. The sliding glass door is dripping water inside the house on the wood floors. I clean that up and tell the kids to go and check all the other windows. The window behind the Christmas tree is leaking too and all the tree and some presents are wet. I am so mad and call our landlord for him to tell me to mop it up and this is really unusual for Hawaii to have this much rain. Even if he wanted to come out and see the problem he would have a hard time because allot of the roads or either flooded or closed.
Ok, no more drama.... NOT
Kelsey comes in the computer room to call a friend and she says the computer chair is all wet. It is raining from the can light fixtures in the office and the new laptop is sitting in a puddle of water. I look like Johnny Appleseed running around with pots trying to catch water instead of apples. I call my landlord back and tell him this is not normal for it to be raining in my house and no mopping up is going to fix that problem. I have been in hurricanes with lots of rain and wind and it had never rained in the house through door, windows or lights. So too all who thought Hawaii is a paradise 24/7 keep dreaming. it has been two days and it is still raining. I almost forgot our umbrella flew away and ended up in the palm trees and the fence is now missing two of it's white panels. I have always heard you can't appreciate the sunshine without the rain. Lord please give me some sunshine and I will be happy. I got through it with some tears and my dad making me laugh. Then the next day I managed to finish getting over it by shopping : )
The kids managed to have a decent day off of school. Amy and her little one came over and brought us McDonalds so we didn't have to leave becasue I was unsure if the house was safe from the rain.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

My day..

Well, like many other days this one was no different. Kenny was suppose to leave this morning to go to sea for a couple of weeks. So, I was kinda bummed but life goes on. I started my day a little earlier than normal because I got up with him. He left then I made biscuits for the kids. The kitchen needed some attention afterwardsand then I was off to play taxi mom.
Me and Molly went for a walk with the new Nav's wife on the boat. We did the 3 mile loop around the lake. At least this time we did not stop at the Starbucks and get coffee before we walked the rest of the way home. I then meet another friend for Lunch and then off to buy a certain someone a Christmas gift. I swear the days go by so fast when it's a good day and then they just drag on when it is a shitty one. One a different note it was time to go get the kids from school. no not just a pick up today we had to stay for the talent show tryouts. Kelsey was trying out with three other little girls to do sign language for a song. They did really well : )

Home for more homework and then off again to the FRG meeting. Not that I am complaining then you get the phone call saying hey the boats broke we are coming home for another night. Then the emotions are all over the place and your happy and kinda sad. just want them to go so they can hurry up and get back. I am glad to have another night with Kenny in the bed with me, but so far he has been home for 3 hours and has been on the phone with the boat for 2 hours and 3o minutes. Kelsey has come downstairs again and asked if daddy was ever going to get off and come tuck her in. She had the crocodile tears in her eyes and was pissed at me that he was still on the phone......
I can't wait to tell anyone about this next day... OMG has never been a better term than it was today..

Friday, November 28, 2008


We are in Hawaii, so what a better way to start the day then a walk on the beach. That's what we did and brought Molly along to play with other dogs. It was a beautiful day and I wondered if Maw Lucy was looking down on us. Cort ran around with Josh and they mushed man of wars with coconut shells and sticks. Kenny talked to John and I had some girl talk with Karen and little Sailor. Kelsey decided not to some she said she would rather sleep. On the way back form the beach we stopped and picked up some pumpkin, chocolate chip bread for desert from Great Harvest Bread. Of course me and Cort had a little piece in the car on the ride home.

Then the cooking began.... Kenny had the turkey in the oven, he had some basting sauce on the stove and he was looking hot cooking it all. I can honestly say that I did nothing, he made all of it and the sides and it was awesome. We all sat down to eat and enjoyed each others company. I can't believe that I did not take any pictures from yesterday. I guess I am so behind on scrap booking that one less page ain't gonna hurt..
I am so thankful for my family and the time we spend together...the only other thing that could of made this day better was my Louisiana family to be here too.. I thought about this family pictures from 8 years ago and how much we have all grown. As Maw Lucy would say Thank ya Jesus...

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Used and Abused & New York

I am tired of people only wanting to talk when they need something. If I am your friend, I will be there during the good and the bad. This has nothing to do with my new job either.. Ever notice you all of a sudden have more friends when you can offer them something. I also don't like people who are mean to other people even when they know that person wears there heart on their sleeve. I also have another complaint to go along with my pity party. I am not liking this weather. I can't get in the Christmas spirit with 80 degree and people still in swimsuits everywhere. I listen to Christmas music and just wanna laugh and still thinking that it is way to early to be listening or playing it on the radio. Just a FYI, this pertains to know no one that reads my blog. I have balls, but lately they have gotten cold and have ascended up a little.
New York, New york... I was invited to go to New York with a person who only brings out the best in me. it will just be a group of 4 girls for a 4 day three night fun extravaganza. I have never been to New York, but have always wanted to go. i never thought Kenny would agree to let me go. Most of all because of money, but just because the logistics of it all. He does have to work and his wife needing a couple days away just isn't a good excuse to take off. I know for sure he has way more stress in every day life than I do. I just am blessed that he is always so willing to do whatever he can to see me smile. All that he asks is for me to find a plane ticket under six hundred.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Not over till the fat lady sings...

Kelsey and Natalyia (piano teacher)
Kelsey had her first piano recital in Sunday and it was fabulous. She played three songs and remembered them though all her nerves and looked composed and all times. It was at the Mid Pacific Country Club in Lanikai and there were gorgeous views. I am not sure how she went to a competitive gymnast to a piano player but it fits her well. She really likes it and has inspired Cort to want to learn to play the guitar. I guess Kenny and myself need to learn something too and we can have a real live rock band.
Things over here are going by fast. I am happy for that because I am already to move on in more ways. Kenny is working like a crazy man all the time and I just got a new job yesterday and they are willing to work around the kids schedule. It is only temporary but hey it's a job with money and adults. I can't image Thanksgiving is next week and then Christmas. It just doesn't feel like Christmas with this kind of weather. As any one from back home would say it is just not gumbo weather. My car finally went in the shop from my car accident and I am in a rental -Ughh. I am off to start my day and make it a good one..

Thursday, November 13, 2008

I am still here... I think

I think I fell off the earth for a little while there. Sorry we had some computer issues and two new computers later I should be good to go. I also got in a car accident and then thought we were gonna have baby number three. Several phone calls later and understanding what a no fault state means I guess we still do learn something new everyday. Two pregnancy tests later and an IUD that needs to come out we are NOT having another baby. We had our oh shit baby first, so we should be good unless God has something else in mind for us. I have been going to the gym very religiously and working out with a trainer once a week and have gained weight. What the hell : ( I really don't care if it muscle, i just wanna see some changes. I think I like another friends idea about it being winter weight, except for the fact that i am in Hawaii. There is no winter here just flip flop weather and maybe I need to weight to shelter me from the sun... I am not even sure that makes sense to me but it sure makes me smile. (thanks Kristen) I miss home allot lately. I think my parents visit just made me realize how much I miss my family that I have back home. My older brother is newly married and I love his wife. I think I would marry her too. My little brother is graduating high school this year. My little sister is in love and he is a great guy too. My paw paw is growing old and I miss him and want my kids to know him. Just to be able to call my mom and go to lunch.. OK i am getting all sappy so I will call it a night..


Sunday, November 2, 2008

Family come and gone

It's all me again. My visit with my Mom and Dad has come to an end. They were here for three short weeks and we had a blast. I have always wanted my kids to have special memories of their grandparents. Being so far away it makes me sad to know they miss out on so much. I think this time, this visit they made lots of memories that the kids will remember forever. I can say how lucky we are just to have great family, crazy at times but great. We got to celebrate both their birthdays while they were here. Dad turned 53 on the 26th and Mom turned 52 on the 24th. We baked them a cake and got them something special for them to open. My best part of the time they spent here is all the pictures we took and I had them all developed and put them in an album they bought. They are not that savvy to go home and actually order all their pictures and then put them in an album.. that would of taken them forever.

Now on to other news... We had a great Halloween and went to a party at a friends house and stayed till 1 in the am. The kids had a blast. I had fun just watching Kenny have a good time and laugh a little. Being one of the only sober couples there was pretty fun too. The kids made their way up and down our street and a little more on the next street before calling it quits. This is our first Halloween in this house and I think we live in a great kid infested area. I also made plans at this party to start tennis lessons with Derick, a tennis guru, that should be a blast. My favorite picture of my Dad and Cort doing their daily check on their laptops.

It has been a lazy weekend, I think all I did is eat and change PJ's and maybe did a batch of clothes here and there. I am not sure what it is about having a husband home that makes me lazy. It is like whoa I can take a nap and not worry about the kids. I also started playing a bunco group and it was a really interesting group of ladies.

Promise it won't be this long in between post again,


Saturday, October 18, 2008

Mai Tai's & Coconut Bra's

We all made it to a Luau at Paradise Cove. It was beautiful and one of those moments I will treasure forever. It was about a 30 minute drive from our house and a well worth it drive. My dad was so excited to have those drink tickets he could not wait to use them and have a good time. It was a postcard waiting to happen once we got in and saw the magnificent setting the Luau was going to take place. First, we all got our orchard lei's. We got to play some Hawaiian games and then Kenny and the kids went on a canoe ride. We all got to try to throw a spear, not something you should give to people who have been drinking. Funny enough the only person who made it in was Kenny, I missed the whole haystack thing it was suppose to go in. Then we saw a coconut show and a man who climbed up a palm tree and did the showering of the Lei's. There were some lessons on Hula dancing, but I hadn't had enough to drink yet to try. Cort was so excited to get these tattoos of a shark and a poky vine that he patiently waited 45 minutes in line. It is amazing when those kids decide to have patience. The highlight of the night was when my dad decided he needed to wear and have his picture taken with the coconut bra on and some feather hat thingy. The lady even told him no one else has done this and he said there is always a first. I enjoyed seeing him let loose and seeing my mom laugh. We finally got to sit down and eat buffet style Polynesian food. We watched some hula, fire and wedding dances done by all the performers till it was late and it was time to head home. It was a memorable night and I am glad I drove home : )

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Welcome LA and Mom and Dad

Mom and dad made it here on Tuesday and the Los Angeles made it home on Wednesday. It was their first time watching the boat come in and it was nice. We ate lunch at a cafe on the water and waited for it to pull in. We also made a trip to Hanauma Bay and went snorkeling. They kids had school so it was just me and the parents. The highlight of the trip was to find a sea turtle and swim with it for a little ways. Just amazing to be under the water and watch all the marine life eat and swim. We are going to make a trip to go to Cirque Hawaii tonight. I have also not gone to the gym since the parents have been here so i need to make a better effort next week. It is just so nice to have company, that I wish they would want to come with me. I did have them make a 3 mile Keolu loop with me and i though my mom was going to pass out. She never complained, but you could just tell that she didn't like it. On the best news of the weekend, Kenny finally has some leave even if it is only for three days. I will take anything I can get. I enjoy having all my family together. The kids are enjoying having Granny and Paw here even more.

The kids had a blessing of the animals at their school

so we brought Molly to get blessed.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Up for mother of the year.... NOT : )

Let's just say my good mother status has been slipping. The first week of school I forgot the kids get out early every Friday. Thanks to Kenny for saving me, he actually remembered and was able to get to them and save the day. My latest was having a child have a broken wrist for 5 days and not even know about it.
Here's the story: My kids love ridding their wave boards. We live in the middle of a hill, so they walk them up to the top and ride down the hill. Kelsey actually fell trying to ride the board up the hill. She cam in a said she fell and hurt her wrist and her knee. We cleaned it all up and put ice on her wrist. I asked her "do you think you broke anything?" She said no I just hurt it. The next morning she got up and got ready for school and she said it was sore. I though the test would be piano practice that afternoon. Piano came and went and she did fine and did not even complain even once. Then Friday came basketball practice and she said she could not shoot with her right arm because it hurt and I said ok we need to see a doctor. I called them but because we were new patients there was nothing till Monday. We got to the doctor, she looked at it and then felt it and sent us for x-rays. After the x-rays were seen it was then determined it was a buckle fracture in her distal radius. They gave her the option of a cast or a hard brace. She chose the brace. Today we went to a pediatric orthopedic doctor and he confirmed it was broken and indeed to close to a clean break across her wrist. He told us another fall or bump would finish it off, that she needed no P.E. , sports and boarding of any kind for the next 4 weeks. So, here I am feeling awful about my parenting lately. Man oh man..

On a another note I can't wait for my parents to get here.. It will be a welcomed change of pace.

Thanks Elisa for the great Beach Bag...

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Who's been sleeping in my bed??

Yeah, I'll bet at least one of you crazy people that this would be a juicy post. Not quite... This is what I found last night as I come upstairs to get in bed...

Before church this morning I made Cort go outside so I could take a couple of pictures of him. He always makes me laugh. I love that little turd (term of endearment) so much.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Even the good ones slip..

Well, as most of you know being a military wife means no slacking when it comes to decorating a new place. You only have so long to enjoy that space, you want it done asap and be able to enjoy it while you are there. My kids are getting older so I like them being able to make their space something they will enjoy too. I have bought a big C and K for both my kids names. They were suppose to decorate them anyway they wanted and we were going to hand them on their sides of the bathroom. Kelsey finished her letter quick and said she still had a lot of paint left. So, what did my child do. She painted my plate red. Yes, she took my white dinner plate that she was using and painted the whole thing red. I looked at her in total disbelief and what were you thinking. She said nothing, I was getting ready to paint Cort's black, is that not ok??? We just looked at each other and laughed. I know Cort keeps me on my toes at all times. Kelsey I guess needed express herself on my dinner plates. They came out cute.. Kelsey added sparkle glitter to her letter and painted all the inside different colors. Cort has the alternative letter with designs and black and silver of course.
Other news..
Kelsey started playing the piano and was asked to be in the Christmas recital. She will be playing three songs. Cort and Kelsey are both playing basketball and are on the same team. It works out well until they talk trash to one another.
I am off to beat my barking dog,

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Bodies the Exhibition

Well, it that time again for me to be a single parent for a while. So before Kenny headed out, we had a family night out. We went eat at Bubba Gump and then headed over to Bodies the Exhibition. It was very fascinating and a learning experience for all of us. If you don't know what it is, it is to help you see what a body really looks like on the inside, this Exhibition uses real human bodies that have been preserved so they do not decay. We all got to see things, like a fetus in it's different stages of growth. To see those tiny babies was breath taking. To see the babies arms and feet start forming at only weeks is a miracle of life itself. What a healthy lung looks like, compared to one of a smoker. Great for kids to see, and see that's why we don't smoke. I got to see all those muscles that I am trying to work on at the gym. How complex we all are is really a understatement.

I also got to go to Scrapbook Jam this weekend at the Koolau Golf Course. It was fun, food and lots of scrapbook things to buy.

My parents are coming in two weeks to hang out for three weeks. That should be a blast : )

I enjoy having one on one time with them. It will only be the second time, they have come to visit without having my younger brother or sister. Today is chore day, so I am off to those duties . Here are some pictures from last night at dinner. I would of taken pictures of the bodies, but no photography was allowed. Cortland trying to suck on a lemon.


Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Mr. Film-maker AKA Cortland

I have figured out why laughter is the best medicine. It is so we can laugh instead of beating our kids when we are so mad at them. My kids are famous for all of a sudden being best friends when I am ticked at both of them. They normally gang up on me and do something so silly that I have to laugh at the two of them. Last night was no different, except that Cort got his hands on the iFlip video camera. He made a video if his sister eating ice cream and he tried to talk in several different accents. I finally watched toe whole video this morning and thought I needed to share with all of you guys. I guess he is trying to be more like his Nanny Adrienne after he saw the hurricane video she made. Kim, I guess this is what you have to look forward to with Clayton.

I hope you all enjoy the video as much as I did..Well I could never get the video to upload..I will keep trying..


Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Tuesday at the Table....Signs that make me laugh

I have seen these signs on my way to the Ala Moana Center and I had to finally take a picture of them. This is where I am gonna go get my next haircut and a new outfit to match. They make me laugh and Kelsey & Cort think it is hilarious.

We went eat at the Macaroni Grill this weekend and it was a good family time. Then, I actually got my husband to walk around the biggest outdoor mall with a smile on his face. He actually bought something too : ) The kids were crazy and had lots of energy and had fun just being kids. The food was ok. We shared a mama's trio dinner and it was just ok. I have had better and the lasagna was bisgusting (as Cort says it).

Eggplant and Chicken Surprise..
I take an eggplant, peel and dice it and then cook it on medium heat with a little olive oil. Then add two chicken breast cut up with a cup or so of chicken broth. Then of course you add Tony's (favorite seasoning) and some fresh garlic. I let that cook for about an hour an a half and then my kids like Ditalini pasta with it. I like to have my just as is with a cucumber with salt and pepper. Enjoy, I will make it this week and take some pictures to post.

A picture that I took this weekend of Kels & Kenny. I love it and she is such a daddy's girl.

Then we have Cort the Alien and Kenny.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Burdens of Life

Here are some great ways of dealing with the burdens of life:

Accept that some days you're the pigeon, and some days you're the statue.*

It may be that your sole purpose in life is simply to be kind to others.*

Nobody cares if you can't dance well. Just get up and dance.*

It's the second mouse that gets the cheese.*

When everything's coming your way, you're in the wrong lane.*

Birthdays are good for you. The more you have, the longer you live.*

We could learn a lot from crayons... Some are sharp, some are pretty, and some are dull. Some have weird names, and all are different colors, but they all have to live in the same box.*

A truly happy person is one who can enjoy the scenery on a detour.

Have an awesome day and know that someone has thought about you today...

May you always have Love to Share, Health to Spare, and Friends that Care.

I read this this morning and thought I needed to share with you all...

Thursday, September 4, 2008

It's done....

Just an update on the crazy butterfly bathroom and the tree of life. We did finish it this past weekend and all that is left to do is accessorize. I know what I would like in the bathroom but trying to find a wooden C to decorate it with shells has been a challenge. I found one at target and toys'r'us but guess what, they won't ship that out here because its wood. I know I definitely took getting whatever I needed for granted and when in doubt use ebay. Thank goodness for Tenielle she offered to have it shipped to her house and then she would ship it to me.

This day turned out to be a good day, I worked out, had lunch with the hubs and had two happy kids from school. I also saw the most beautiful rainbow today while driving on MCB. I rarely see both ends of the rainbow and I did today. My kids are both working on their homework right now and are giggly and silly like there is no tomorrow. Also, I knew all who have boys that read this will laugh...

Cort decided he wanted to be Avatar toady and he drew on his head with a bright yellow highlighter. Then after looking closely he also added some artwork on his legs. When I told him we know better and we don't write on our bodies, he added I was just being artistic. I swear he is going to be a crooked politician one day. After listening to him tell me the reasons it was ok I forgot what we were even talking about. I guess my only other question to him was when did you decide to do this in class. I couldn't ask at this point cause I'm sure he has an answer. I guess this is one of those times you chose you battles and don't sweat the small stuff.

Friday, August 29, 2008

Friday Update and we are official

I just don't know where this past week as gone. Kenny has been working 13 hour days and it has been a rough week for him. I know he more than any of us, is looking forward to this weekend. Last week, my paddle board finally got here from Maui and we had to take it out. It was a blast and we all worked on our tan. Kenny well he worked on his a little too much : ( I also finally bought paint to get rid of the butterflies and the larva that were painted in our half bath. I couldn't take it any more. Here is the before picture of that bathroom and I will post the after hopefully this weekend when it is done.

I also said we are official, what I meant is we have a board to carry on the top of the car.

I have started looking into going back to school. What a scary thing and don't know how to manage it all. It has to be something in the medical field, that's just me and where I feel I need to be. I have a desire to work with kids or old people. I found out that since it has been so long since I went to school that I pretty much need to start all over. Science based classes expire in 5 years and most other classes expire in 10 years. I only had 40 or so hours, but still it upsetting to know that that time, energy and money is all gone. What the hell is that about??? The online classes seem to be great but so expensive. I don't know when to go and worry about the kids and all that other mom stuff. If Kenny could help he would, but I know that is a lost cause with his new job. I want another identity in my life. I love being a wife, mother and other those really important roles that I have, but need more. I have prayed and tried to listen about where I need to go and just aren't hearing those answers. I wonder if I am asking for too much and should just be content with where I am. I also know allot of women don't have the luxury to stay at home so I am grateful for that.

Kelsey has started piano lessons and loves them. She has a Russian teacher named Natalyia. We just found out yesterday that she will be taking a little break because she just got picked up for the TV show Lost.. I thought that was really neat, but wait I just paid you tuition : ) I guess those are the breaks when your next door neighbor is the executive producer of the show.

Hope everyone has a great weekend,


Thursday, August 21, 2008

Thursday at the table...

Well, not to much going on over here except trying to find my groove again. I finally started at the gym again and it is on the Marine Base. Let's just say I still feel the best Marine is a Submarine. I still feel sorta lost without my kids at home all day. I can get done what used to take me all day with them home to now I am normally looking for something to do before noon.

The post today is to come to Sam's table a little late, but I added chocolate so it's all good. I love rice crispy treats and needed them to taste a little more like chocolaty. I just made normal rice crispy treats with coco pebbles and about 8 sheets of graham crackers as the cereal mix. Then melted some butter with brown sugar of course the marshmallows too. I mixed that all up and then added some more marshmallows to the mix after taking it off the stove. I then added my crazy mixture to a bread tube so it has a crazy shape let it cool for a couple of hours. To any of you who know me then I have to add some melted chocolate to the top to finish off this fabulous treat. Something else that I have done is add some peanut butter chips to the batter or melt some peanut butter chips and top them off with that. I hope this added something decent to the table.

I also wanted to add that say that I am trying to live a life I love. I have met a person here that I could just do without. I thought that i needed to make the best of the situation and keep on keeping on. I love the life I live and no one is going to put a damper on my spirit. Having a different attitude and trying to see what their story is makes me think twice about people. I used to know this person and see her all the time. She had what looked liked on the outside the ideal life. She was beautiful, great husband and all that we all want in life. After getting to know her more and see her story I was sad for her. She had several medical conditions, cancer that she had beat once and other issues. I just thought to myself and thanked God for all that I did have. I know I wouldn't of wanted all her crosses to carry, and was disappointed in myself for being jealous. Moral of my story today is always be thankful for what we do have and love like there is no tomorrow and always, always have that piece of chocolate.

Love to all,


Tuesday, August 19, 2008

I'm free again

Today the kids started their first day of school. Cort was all excited about wearing a uniform and Kelsey was not to say the least. I thought they both looked very cute and too big to be my kids. When we got to school, I walked Cort to his classroom. Kelsey was really nervous and wasn't sure she wanted me to walk her to her classroom. I guess she is at that age where I am no longer cool to be seen with. I knew it was coming and surprise it is here : ) She had so many boys in her classroom and very few girls. i hope they have a wonderful and positive first day. They do get out at noon today, so I guess I should run to get something done.
Be thankful for something today,

Monday, August 18, 2008

Monday Update

I finally have a husband back at home and it feels great. You really never know how much someone does or what an impact that have on your every day life until they aren't there. Kenny got home on Friday and we had a busy weekend. Friday night me and the kids went to the beach to wait for daddy to be be ready to be picked up at the pier. That was a disaster and we left early and came home to wait for his phone call instead. Just let me say this, people don't watch their children as closely as they should. I understand it takes a village to raise a child, but the village should not have to watch them because your feeding your face. It was 10pm before we finally arrived at home with daddy.

Saturday, we went to the boat so Kenny could sign some papers. He said it was only going to be 15 minutes, an hour an 15 minutes later we were leaving. It was fun to see Kenny do what he does at work. I kind of felt like a fly on the wall and the kids were patient after they found the candy stash in his stateroom. Cort was enjoying jolly rogers (ranchers) as he called them.

Then we were off to a pool party at the Stevenson house. I made deviled eggs, smores rice crispy treats and then the never fail chips and dip. It was well deserved on Kenny's part to sit down a relax after being gone and stressing for the last 6 weeks. The kids swam and we enjoyed every ones company.

Sunday.... We went to church to thank God for our many blessings in our lives. I love our church, it's feel and the people are icing on the cake.

We had the CO's hail and farewell to attend to at PF Changs. I may hate when Kenny isn't home, but the group of wives to hand with are god sent. I enjoy all these women and what each of their personalities brings to the table. We had a great night and are HAPPY to welcome the new CO and his wife.

Today is my kidos last day of no school. So we will finally have a routine starting tomorrow.

Hugs, peace and chicken grease to all,


Thursday, August 14, 2008

Skater Dudes and Cool Chics

My kids are obsessed with their new skater things called wave boards. We live right by a skate park so they always want to bring them there. I love seeing them just play outside. Cortland now says he wants to be a pro skater and Kelsey is just there to have fun. I think the story behind these boards are even better: Cort realized he was 20 bucks short of having 90 to buy his board. So, he says can I call my granny? He calls, except his Paw Paw answers the phone and Cort just comes right and says "hey Paw can you send me 20 bucks, my mom won't give it to me and I need it" I thought I was trying to teach a lesson about saving his money, but Paw blew that up in smoke. I didn't mind cause the next thing Cort says was I guess I need to write Paw a nice thank you note. I guess he has learned something in his little life of eight years..Here they are riding their boards..