Saturday, December 13, 2008

Rain rain go away come back never

As you all know Kenny is out to see for a little while. Of course the day he leaves all the skies opened up and chaos followed. Let's just say we had a rain storm with Kona winds that lasted for more than 24 hours. This is me and Cort in the back yard looking for some drain that we never found. yes, the shed flew over and put garden tools all over. It started with the electricity going out at about 10pm and the kids sleeping with us on the floor in our bedroom the night before he leaves. So we all were awake most of the night listening to the winds and the blinds hitting the window from the wind. Awake at 3 am to bring Kenny down to the boat. I get back home at 4ish home to try and get a little more sleep before 6 am to get up to get the kids ready for school. Still no electricity, so I figure we will sleep a little longer because we can't get ready in the dark. At 6:45 we get up and I had a gut feeling to just go look and check on things outside. I get the kids up and go look around in the crazy rain. The first things I see when I walk out the front door is the kids basketball set laying on top of Kenny's car and the hoop in nicely put in his windshield. I freak out and start moving cars because it is cracked and I am not sure if it is raining in his car. I thought that would be all the excitement for the day but I was wrong. Kelsey see's me frantic and helps and packs her and Cort's lunch for school. Cort helps by bringing me towels because I am soaked. We leave to only drive through the flooded streets to get to school to be told that school is closed. I did call just 10 minutes before to make sure it was still open and was told oh yes we are open.
I come back home to notice a puddle of water on the floor in the kids play room. The sliding glass door is dripping water inside the house on the wood floors. I clean that up and tell the kids to go and check all the other windows. The window behind the Christmas tree is leaking too and all the tree and some presents are wet. I am so mad and call our landlord for him to tell me to mop it up and this is really unusual for Hawaii to have this much rain. Even if he wanted to come out and see the problem he would have a hard time because allot of the roads or either flooded or closed.
Ok, no more drama.... NOT
Kelsey comes in the computer room to call a friend and she says the computer chair is all wet. It is raining from the can light fixtures in the office and the new laptop is sitting in a puddle of water. I look like Johnny Appleseed running around with pots trying to catch water instead of apples. I call my landlord back and tell him this is not normal for it to be raining in my house and no mopping up is going to fix that problem. I have been in hurricanes with lots of rain and wind and it had never rained in the house through door, windows or lights. So too all who thought Hawaii is a paradise 24/7 keep dreaming. it has been two days and it is still raining. I almost forgot our umbrella flew away and ended up in the palm trees and the fence is now missing two of it's white panels. I have always heard you can't appreciate the sunshine without the rain. Lord please give me some sunshine and I will be happy. I got through it with some tears and my dad making me laugh. Then the next day I managed to finish getting over it by shopping : )
The kids managed to have a decent day off of school. Amy and her little one came over and brought us McDonalds so we didn't have to leave becasue I was unsure if the house was safe from the rain.


blunoz said...

Oh my gosh what a catastrophe! I'm so sorry to hear about the storm and so many things going wrong at once - especially while Kenny is out to sea.

Why is it the worst of the home disasters occur when we're out to sea? I was on deployment when my wife suffered through the fire storms in San Diego - raining ashes and raging brush fires creeping closer and closer to our house as she packed up the kids and precious valuables in the car to flee the area. Luckily everything turned out okay there.

I hope the rain stops and your landlord comes to the rescue and gets the leaks fixed quick.

Anonymous said...

OH MY GOD! That is quite the mess! I know what you were talking about the other day at the airport.

And I must say...Cort looks awfully fetching with his topknot!

Hope the sun is shining and things are better today!